How To Recognize Staph InfectionBy Dean Caporella Beware an open cut or break in the skin. You could be inviting a staph infection to develop. While staph infections are not life threatening in most cases, more serious complications can arise if they are not treated post haste. Explaining Staph Infection In a nutshell, staph is short for Staphylococcus bacteria. This family of bacteria contain at least 30 different variations causing a wide range of illnesses. Did You Know? Staph bacteria can hibernate on the skin surface and in this environment, can be relatively harmless. It's when there is a break in the skin which the bacteria infiltrates and proceeds to create an infection. Treating Staph Infection If you notice an area of your body has become sore and and there is a physical anomaly present such as a boil present then you need to see your doctor. In some cases, a person will also experience fever symptoms. Your doctor may be required to drain the area of pus and then prescribe a course of antibiotics. Staph infection can also be passed from person to person through skin contact. It's important to complete a course of antibiotics when they are prescribed. Why? Some form of bacteria have built up resistance to drugs and by only partially consuming your allotted dose, even though you may feel better, you may be creating an environment for the bacteria to adapt and become resistant. Types Of Staph Infection There are several staph infections that show up in one form or another. Here are some of the more common types. - Boils or Furuncle... these are more commonly seen around the neck and face and they appear as an unsightly red inflammation. _ Infection of the hair follicles underneath the skin and known as Folliculitis. They appear as a pimple surrounded by a reddish area around it. - A Stie develops on the eyelid. It's noticeable because of it's reddish and swollen nature and can be painful and uncomfortable. - Impetigo is the term used for a staph infection which generally affects children. It is characterized by blisters and an eventual crusty appearance. It can be spread to other parts of the body through scratching. The staph infections highlighted above are generally regarded as minor however, the more serious versions can cause such illnesses as pneumonia, blood infection and even toxic shock syndrome which requires hospitalization. People with weak immune systems are most at risk from the more serious staph infections. Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Ever wondered why we get pimples and boils? It's Staph infection related and it could affect you! Also, read the latest infection related news and reviews at: http://www.yourinfectionsite.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Caporella